Hutton Highlights:

Reversing nature loss in Scotland – a complex challenge across how we use land, what we buy and eat

October 17, 2023 The James Hutton Institute Season 1 Episode 8

In our second pod in a three-part series looking at what’s really driving biodiversity loss in Scotland, we’re again joined by NatureScot and this time look at how doing the right thing isn’t as straight forward as it seems, not least around land use, our food systems, the increasing demands on farming and how choices made in Scotland could impact biodiversity elsewhere.


Elaine Maslin, Media Officer at the Hutton


Professor Robin Pakeman, plant ecologist at The James Hutton Institute and lead author of the report on the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss.

Dr Clive Mitchell, Strategic Resource Manager for Nature and Climate Change, NatureScot.

For more information about what you’ve heard in this podcast, visit:

NatureScot Research Report 1309 - Understanding the Indirect Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Scotland | NatureScot
Considerable change needed to stop nature loss in Scotland | The James Hutton Institute

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