Hutton Highlights:

Blueberries on steroids: Scotland’s new super fruit – the honeyberry

March 27, 2024 The James Hutton Institute Season 2 Episode 2

In our latest Hutton Highlights, we speak with experts and growers about what could be Scotland’s fifth soft fruit – the honeyberry. We hear how it’s not only a superfood, but one that’s also well suited to Scotland’s climate. It could help farms diversify as well as bring benefits to their land, from an environmental perspective. We found out how this new fruit found its way to Scotland and the Scottish Honeyberry Growers cooperative’s plans to get more of them into our diets. 

Elaine Maslin, Media Officer (Aberdeen) at the Hutton

Dr Louise Gamble, soft fruit high health facility manager, at the Hutton
Peter Arbuckle, from Arbuckles, who grow and sell soft fruit.
And Caroline Black, who works with her husband on their family-owned farm, while also working for the Scottish Honey Berry Growers Association.

For more information about what you’ve heard in this podcast, visit: 

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