Hutton Highlights:

Reversing nature loss in Scotland – just how did we get here?

October 11, 2023 The James Hutton Institute

We know Scotland’s biodiversity is suffering. The latest State of Nature report recently underlined just how much. But do we really know what’s causing it? For a three-part pod series, we'll be joined by a guest from Scotland’s public body on natural heritage, NatureScot, to tackle this topic.

Taking research led by the Hutton for NatureScot as a starting point, we’ll delve into what is really causing biodiversity loss in Scotland and the implications of tackling it. It’s a big topic, ranging from how supermarkets and computer algorithms influence our decisions as consumers to how we manage land and who gets to benefit – or not.
In episode one, we start at the top. Why does nature loss need to be addressed? How did we get here and what are causing these problems?


Elaine Maslin, Media Officer at the Hutton


Professor Robin Pakeman, plant ecologist at The James Hutton Institute and lead author of the report on the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss.

Dr Clive Mitchell, Strategic Resource Manager for Nature and Climate Change, NatureScot.

For more information about what you’ve heard in this podcast, visit:

NatureScot Research Report 1309 - Understanding the Indirect Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Scotland | NatureScot


Considerable change needed to stop nature loss in Scotland | The James Hutton Institute

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